Wednesday, June 30, 2004

First day “in country”

We got some much needed sleep. When we got up we had a bite to eat and then went to Queens Park just around the corner. It is fairly big and we enjoyed a fast walk/jog around there. We saw the "Glass House" which featured an arboretum with cactus and a Japanese garden. The whole complex was heated with 6" galvanized pipe which created a giant radiator. Very cool and very hot. The outside temperature was like 55 but inside it was like a desert.

After the park, I started to try to get the computer stuff set up. That turned out to be quite the challenge because the Laceys have a USB DSL modem. So I had to connect the modem to Laurie's laptop because mine has a bad USB port and then her laptop to a router to which, my laptop and the Vonage box are connected. With a little Internet Connection Sharing and Whew! we are all on the same DSL line. What could be easier? (Note, I don't recommend this unless you like significant dorking around. :) FYI for the took many hours because of some old software drivers on the USB modem. Once that was fixed and we got the password from the Laceys we were set.

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After that we got some mediocre Afghani food around the corner. Nice looking place, but the food was so-so.

It rained on and off today. The weather is cool and moist. Kind of like Seattle.


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