Our first Highland Games
We found out there was a Highland Games that was variously described in Airth, Sterling, and somewhere else I can't remember. It turns out it was near Sterling in Airth. We never did find the park it was held in on the web, or in my GPS software. After much research, we determined that we couldn't take the train. We'd have to take the van.
Although the batteries on my GPS wore out part of the way there, we found it fairly easily. The games were held in something between a farm field and an open space—not a park as we'd think of it. The fair was like a three-ring circus. Foot and bicycle races going on at the same time as traditional Scottish sports like the Keber and the 16 pound hammer, and a heavy ball. A couple of the competitors were big guys from America. We just can't seem to get away from these Americans! The 16 pound hammer throw was interesting. To do this sport, you wear boots with big blades stick to the front of your boots. Unlike the greek style hammer throw, you dig your fit into the grass and spin the hammer around you. I think generally it is clock-wise, but it may depend on whether you are right or left handed.
There were also dance and bag pipe competitions. There were also some falconers with beautiful birds. Ironically, one of them was also from America. These birds can no longer be imported, but they hope to breed the ones they have. I got some really good shots of them flying, soaring, and doing their thing.
Of course there were bag pipes and a Scottish band which played very stirring music.
Alongside the traditional Scottish culture were some amusement rides for kids and food. One of the common dishes seems to be “chips and curry” which is just what it sounds like. I've come to fancy my “chips and curry” although I bet I can't find it anywhere in the US.
Kids seem to be having a great time. Some were dancing, some were racing, and some were just playing.
I think the pictures from the games are among the best so far. I encourage you to take a look at them.
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